Ready Mix Water Resistant Plaster

K95 readyplast is a ready to mix,dry cementitious product. It contains blended cements, graded sands and additives to improve consistency and work ability.


Smooth under layer materials for exterior and interior concrete masonry or plaster based substrates.

Interior or exterior final finishing plasters for walls and ceilings or concrete and block surfaces.


  • Ease of use, requires only the addition of clean cold water.
  • Durable finish.
  • Better coverage in plaster area.
  • Excellent bonding, less rebound hence reduces the wastages during plastering.
  • Excellent permeability resistant.
  • Increase plastic life of mortar and reduces drying shrinkage cracks.
  • Improved labor productivity hence reduces the cost so it is economical.
  • Paintable. Once hardened.

Application instructions:

The surface should be clean, free from standing water and all contaminants such as oil, grease, laitance, paint, or corrosion products. Any contamination should be removed by mechanical means to produce a sound substrate. The surface should be washed with clean water to remove all dust. It should be wetted prior to application of K95 REDAYPLAST. The product should not be applied to surfaces which are exposed to running water.


K95 KEADYPLAST complete bags should be mixed using a mechanically powered grout mixer, each bag requires 6 to 7 ltr of clean cold water. Ensure that, the mixer is damp inside but free of standing water before commencing mixing, add pre-measured quantity of clean cold water.


Apply the mixed K95 READYPLAST by hand using a steel trowel. Use a float to give a smooth and uniform thickness and level surface. Mixed K95 READYPLAST after adding water, should be used within 45 minutes.


Water curing is recommended after 16 hours and to be continued for at least 7 days. Alternatively curing by KCURE curing compound is recommended.


Tools contaminated with K95 READYPLAST can be cleaned using clean water.

Hardened grout can only be removed by mechanical means.

Health& safety:

K95 READYPLAST is non-hazardous. It should not be swallouwed or allowed to come into contact with skin or eyes. Suitable protective goggles and gloves should be worn. In the case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. If swallowed, seek medical attention immediately, do not induce vomiting.

Packing& coverage:

K95 READYPLAST is available in 40kg. Bags.40kg. Bag of bag K95 READYPLAST will cover 30-32 sq.ft in 15-16mm thickness the coverage depends upon the substrate.


Nine months storage life when stored in original unopened bags at between 5 and 35℃ in a dry and shaded place.